Wednesday, December 07, 2005

March Madness Free on the Net!

Josh, your Christmas present has come early! Very cool! It looks like productivity in the workplace will take a major dive during the month of March. I will be able to see how crappy I'm doing in the pool in real time. Lucky me.

For two years, Manhattan athletic director Bob Byrnes is lucky to have heard alumni complaints. It was the natural frustration of graduates who couldn't make the trip to the basketball tournament to see the Jaspers play in person.

Instead, Manhattan fans had to catch the game on television in the middle of the day or, if out of market, pay for an internet broadcast or DirecTV.

"When you're in the tournament, people do all kinds of gymnastics to try and get the game," Byrnes said.

This year it all just got a little bit easier, especially for diehard fans who inexplicably decide to spend the day at work with NCAA March Madness' on Demand, a streaming webcast.

CBS had been offering the games online as part of a subscription, but this year the NCAA Tournament will be available for free at



At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I already told Jeri I wouldn't be getting any work done that first Thursday and Friday :o)


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